AoS: Soulbound Update & Character Sheet Reveal!

Hello! Welcome back to #MortalRealmsMonday. Before we get into things, a quick update on where we are with the PDF for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound.

As mentioned last week, production is going well and things are moving through layout and proofing. Two more chapters, 8: The Mortal Realms and 10: Religion and Belief, have now been through proofing. Chapter 9: The Great Parch and Chapter 11: Magic will be heading to proofing this week which will mean chapters 2 - 12 have all been proofed, leaving only Chapter 1: Introduction and Chapter 13: Bestiary. Looking at where we are in the schedule, the PDF will not be releasing this week. We’re excited to share everything with you but we want to make sure that what you get on release is as close to perfect as possible. We’re aiming for next week, the week of the 4th of May, but if anything changes we’ll let you all know.

With that out of the way, with being so close to launch, this week we wanted to show you the character sheet you’ll be using when you play Soulbound.

Character Sheet

Here you can see the front and back of the character sheet, which you’ll likely be seeing a lot of!

1) Personal Details

This is where you fill in your character’s personal details, such as their name, Species , Archetype, and physical appearance.

2) Attributes & Skills

You note your Attributes and Skills here. Your Attributes are determined by the Archetype you choose.

Your Skills can have both Training and Focus ranging from level 1 to 3. Each level of Training adds a die to your dice pool for Tests, each level of Focus adds +1 to a single die. 

We discussed Skills, Attributes, and Tests in detail here and here.

3) Goals and Connections

Goals are your character’s ambitions in life. Short-term Goals are things you can conceivably achieve in the near future — a day, a week, maybe a month. Long-term Goals represent something your character hopes to achieve in the distant future — over the course of weeks, months, or their entire lifetime. You earn XP by achieving your Goals.

Connections are fragments of history and shared experiences that tie you to one or more members of the group. 

4) Talents

Talents are the unique abilities, tricks, and quirks you have learned throughout your life. Your Archetype lists a Core Talent and gives you a number of Talents to choose from. As you advance, you can spend XP to learn more Talents.

5) Combat Abilities

Here is where you note your combat abilities, including Melee, Accuracy, Defence, Initiative, and Armour. Your Melee, Accuracy, and Defence are noted on ‘The Ladder’, which ranges from Poor to Extraordinary. You compare your Melee or Accuracy to your opponents Defence to determine the DN of the attack. We discussed this in more detail in a previous post here.

You also use this section to track your current and total Mettle and Toughness. Mettle represents your fighting spirit and the well of reserves you can tap into when things look their worst. Mettle is a finite resource that is used to fuel a number of Talents, such as Miracles, and is used during combat to take extra actions. Toughness is how much damage you can take before you start to suffer Wounds.

6) Wounds

This is your Wound track. To calculate your Wounds, add Body + Mind + Soul and divide the result by two, rounding up. The result is the amount of spaces you have on your track. The remaining spaces should be filled in. As you suffer Wounds, you will fill in spaces on your track. When all spaces are filled and you would suffer a Wound, you become Mortally Wounded. 

7) Attacks

This is where you list your various attacks. You list the weapon, your total dice pool for the attack, any Focus you have to modify the results, the Damage the weapon deals, and any Traits the weapon has.

8) Portrait, Background, and Notes

Here you can draw your character (or upload an image if you’re using a digital character sheet), make notes on your character's background and history, and keep track of important information.

9) Equipment, Gear, and Currency

Equipment is where you note what your character is wearing and any weapons they are wiedling. You can also keep track of any other gear they might have, either on their person or in storage.

The Cities of Sigmar use Aqua Ghyranis as currency, which is measured in drops, phials, and spheres. Aqua Ghyranis is your wealth, but it can also be used to heal serious injuries so you’ll need to watch how you’re spending it!

10) Spells & Miracles

If your character has the Spellcasting or Blessed Talents, you will have a number of spells or Miracles you know. You can track these here.

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